MG-BIOTA Magazine. V. 5. N. 4. Oct / Nov 2012
Management of capybaras in Lagoa da Pampulha: who can it be of interest?
Authors: Thais Queiroz Morcatty, Raquel Hosken Pereira da Silva, Pedro Carvalho Rocha and Maria Auxiliadora Drumond
The capybara Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris is a mammal capable of living in altered areas. In Lagoa da Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, there is a resident population of capybaras for which there are many discussions about their management. The present study aimed to estimate the population of capybaras in Lagoa da Pampulha and assess the perception of users of the lagoon about the species, contributing to the decision on the need for management. Most respondents react very positively to the presence of the species and believe that it attracts visitors. If necessary, the management of capybaras should be carried out in a participatory manner, encompassing different aspects of the ecological system of Lagoa da Pampulha and its social interface.
Article photos: Filipe Chaves